The news topic was Alan Eustace’s recent skydiving record.
The Hacker News comment thread is here.
My comment is here. The link may not work.
Here is the text of it.
Maybe this is cynical but I dislike stories like this. I’m glad he got back safely, but it sounds a bit Everest-y. Felix Baumgartner was an experienced jumper. Every time a corporate executive pulls the “throw money at something hard for mere mortals” card I cringe. Again, Everest. The number of rich businessmen who die because Mother Nature does not give a fuck about job titles is immense.
The comment itself isn’t that interesting. What is interesting is that such a vanilla remark (profanity isn’t taken to be an issue on Hacker News) could be censored. I wonder why? What libertarian nerve did I tweak?
I’m not going to speculate. But enjoy the above, an average, ordinary comment rendered unusual by the mere fact of it being censored.