Currently, people who either have bad intentions or a lack of knowledge are claiming that software engineer salaries are “ridiculous”. Now, I’ll readily admit that programmers are, relative the general population, quite well paid. I’m not about to complain about the money I make; I’m doing quite well, in a time and society where many people aren’t. The software industry has many problems, but low pay for engineers (at least, for junior and mid-career engineers; senior engineers are underpaid but that’s an issue for another time) doesn’t crack the top 5. Software engineers are underpaid, relative to the massive amount of value (if given proper projects, rather than mismanaged as is typical) they are capable of delivering. In comparison to the rest of the society, they do quite well.
So what should a software engineer be paid? There’s a wide disparity in skill level, so it’s hard to say. I’m going to focus on a competent, mid-career engineer. This is someone between 5 and 10 years of experience, with continual investment in skill, and probably around 1.6 on this software engineering scale. He’s not a hack or the stereotypical “5:01″ programmer who stopped learning new skills at 24, but he’s not a celebrity either. He’s good and persistent and experienced, but probably not an expert. In the late 1990s, that person was just cracking into six-figure territory: $100,000 per year. No one thought that number was “ridiculous”. Adjusted for inflation, that’s $142,300 per year today. That’s probably not far off what an engineer at that level actually makes, at least in New York and the Bay Area.
Software engineers look “ridiculous” to people who haven’t been software engineers in 20 years (or ever) and whose numbers are way out of date. If you’re a Baby Boomer whose last line of code was in 1985, you’re probably still thinking that $60,000 is a princely sum for a programmer to earn. When one factors inflation into the equation, programmer salaries are only “at record high” because inflation is an exponential process. Taking that out, they’re right about where history says they should be.
I would argue, even, that programmer salaries are low when taking a historical perspective. The trend is flat, adjusting for inflation, but the jobs are worse. Thirty years ago, programming was an R&D job. Programmers had a lot of autonomy: the kind of autonomy that it takes if one is going to invent C or Unix or the Internet or a new neural network architecture. Programmers controlled how they worked and what they worked on, and either answered to other programmers or to well-read scientists, rather than anti-intellectual businessmen who regard them as cost centers. Historically, companies sincerely committed to their employees’ careers and training. You didn’t have to change jobs every 2 years just to keep getting good projects and stay employable. The nature of the programming job, over the past couple decades, has become more stressful (open-plan offices) and careers have become shorter (ageism). Job volatility (unexpected layoffs and, even, phony “performance-based” firings in lieu of proper layoffs, in order to skimp on severance because that’s “the startup way”) has increased. With all the negatives associated with a programming job in 2014, that just didn’t exist in the 1970s to ’80s, flat performance on the salary curve is disappointing. Finally, salaries in the Bay Area and New York have kept abreast of general inflation, but the costs of living have skyrocketed in those “star cities”, while the economies of the still-affordable second-tier cities have declined. In the 1980s and ’90s, there were more locations in which a person could have a proper career, and that kept housing prices down. In 2014, that $142,000 doesn’t even enable one to buy a house in a place where there are jobs.
All of those factors are subjective, however, so I’ll discard them. We have sufficient data to know that $142,000 for a mid-career programmer is not ridiculous. It’s a lower bound for the business value of a software engineer (in 1999); we know that employers did pay that; they might have been willing to pay more. This information already gives us victory over the assclowns claiming that software engineer salaries are “ridiculous” right now.
Now, I’ll take it a step further and introduce Yannis’s Law: programmer productivity doubles every 6 years. Is it true? I would say that the answer is a resounding “yes”. For sure, there are plenty of mediocre programmers writing buggy, slow websites and abusing Javascript in truly awful ways. On the other hand, there is more recourse for a good programmer who find quality; rather than commit to commercial software, she can peruse the open-source world. There’s no evidence for a broad-based decline in programmer ability over the years. It’s also easy to claim that the software career “isn’t fun anymore” because so much time is spent gluing existing components together, and accounting for failures of legacy systems. I don’t think these gripes are new, and I think tools are improving, and a 12% per year rate sounds about right. Put another way, one who programs exactly as was done in 1999 is only about 18 percent as productive as one using modern tools. And yet that programmer, only 18% as productive as his counterpart today, was worth $142,000 (2014 dollars) back then!
Does this mean that we should throw old tools away (and older programmers under the bus)? Absolutely not. On the contrary, it’s the ability to stand on the shoulders of giants that makes us able to grow (as a class) at such a rate. Improved tools and accumulated knowledge deliver exponential value, but there’s a lot of knowledge that is rarely learned except over a decades-long career. Most fresh Stanford PhDs wouldn’t be able to implement a performant, scalable support vector machine from scratch, although they could recite the theory behind one. Your gray-haired badasses would be rusty on the theory but, with a quick refresh, stand a much greater chance of building it righjt. Moreover, the best old ideas tend to recur and long-standing familiarity is an advantage. The most exciting new programming language right now is Clojure, a Lisp that runs on the Java Virtual Machine. Lisp, as an idea, is over 50 years old. And Clojure simply couldn’t have been designed by a 25-year-old in Palo Alto. For programmers, the general trend is a 12% increase in productivity; but individuals can reliably do 30 percent or more, and for periods spanning over decades.
If the business value of a mid-level programmer in 1999 was $142,000 in today’s dollars, then one can argue that today, with programmers 5.7 times more productive, the true value is $779,000 per year at minimum. It might be more. For the highly competent and for more senior programmers, it certainly is higher. And here’s another thing: investors and managers and VPs of marketing didn’t create that surplus. We did. We are almost 6 times as productive as we were in the 1990s not because they got better at their jobs (they haven’t) but because we built the tools to make ourselves (and our successors) better at what we do. By rights, it’s ours.
Is it reasonable, or realistic, to argue that mid-career software engineers ought to be earning close to a million dollars per year? Probably not. It seems to be inevitable, and also better for society, that productivity gains are shared. We ought to meet in the middle. That we don’t capture all of the value we create is a good thing. It would be awful, for example, if sending an email cost as much as sending a letter by post or, worse yet, as much as using the 19th-century Pony Express, because the producers of progress had captured all of the value for themselves. So, although that $779,000 figure adequately represents the value of a decent mid-career engineer to the business, I wouldn’t go so far as to claim that we “deserve” to be paid that much. Most of us would ecstatic with real equity (not that 0.05% VC-istan bullshit) and a quarter of that number– and with the autonomy to deliver that kind of value.